Create with Meaning.

A Story by

Marc Bayona

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Create with Meaning.

Speaker: Marc Bayona

Marc Bayona is a designer who, 10 years ago transitioned from product design to UX Research. Since then, he worked in different industries, such as mobility, education, food, and healthcare, as a consultancy and in-house team.

The story of 'Create with Meaning' is an attempt to invite everyone to be aware of their beliefs and creative process. We are all different and, therefore, have different motivations that fuel us to go to work and give our best. Getting aware of what matters for you will help you stay on the right track for you. If you believe there is something different about how you understand your work but struggle to make it tangible and share it with other people, watch this story to see how Marc approaches the same feeling you are having.

More about your design speaker

Born and raised in Barcelona, with a background in Product Design, and currently working as a UX Researcher. I believe I have always been a dreamy child, and I had no other solution than finding a profession that would allow me to keep dreaming. That defines how I understand this profession and how I want to work.

After finalising my bachelor's as a Product Designer in Barcelona, I joined a local lighting company, and shortly after, I got bored of spending the whole day modelling lights in 3D. Then I joined a design studio also in Barcelona, and I also became a bit bored. I saw no Magic. Then I went to London to improve my English and open doors to more opportunities. I joined the Masters of Design in TUDelft, and it was there that I discovered that design could be much more than sitting on your chair and drawing or modelling objects.

It was during my Master's when I had the opportunity to travel to Turkey for a food innovation project. I went there as an intern and joined a team of outstanding design professionals travelling there worldwide. We were researching food, and in those sessions, we were doing home visits and going through the whole journey of the good creation, from shopping to cooking, preparing, eating, and cleaning, as if it were an actual event. That experience blew my mind—our discussions after those sessions were incredible. Ideas, stories and concepts flew. That was the starting point of my current career.

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Who are we?

Welcome to Designshot!
We are a Secret Society of Designers and our purpose is preserving the Enigmatic Essence of Design Mastery 👀

We quickly realized that, as designers, wether intermediate or senior, we lacked ways to improve ourselves and get inspired in our design careers.
We need more than technical content, or 101 classes, we want to go deeper on specific topics.

That's something our Society wants to provide.

We have different lodges focused on several Design fields of expertise and we host Rituals where our members share insights and experiments with their peers.

Why not join us? We're cool! 😎

What is a Story?

A Story is a series of videos where a kick-ass Designer shares their personal accounts about their career journeys and experiences in a masterclass-style format. Each Story is filled with insights, advice, and inspiration that designers of all levels can learn from and apply to their own careers.

Designshot recognizes that technical skills and knowledge are important, but also believes that there is value in sharing the personal stories and experiences of designers that can help others navigate the challenges and opportunities of the design industry.

By providing a space for these Stories to be shared, Designshot hopes to foster a community of designers who can learn from and support each other in their career growth and development.

What sets our Design content apart from others?

What sets a Story by Designshot apart from other design content is its focus on personal experiences and stories of World-class designers. They tell you what they've been through and how they handled it. So when you're facing the same situation they did you are more prepared than they were.

Unlike other design content that only focuses on technical skills and knowledge, each Story brings a unique perspective to the table. By sharing personal stories and experiences of senior Designers, each Story provides inspiration that all designers can learn from and use to growth in their career.